Sunday, April 24, 2011

Redneck Easter Basket

I am always teasing my hubby about being a redneck and now I think some redneck wore off on me. My kids were talking about how they did not get Easter baskets anymore ( mind they are not little ones). Of course being the sentimental mother that I am I wanted to give them one more basket even if it might cramp their style. Since I am so behind with everything I bought grass, candy and plastic eggs. I figured I could find the baskets easily enough. WRONG! I guess it really has been awhile since they had a basket. Just then my redneck hubby hands me  2 plastic grocery bags.

 Well I guess it's the thought that counts!!!!
They even thought of me with flowers.

Hope everyone had a nice Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Terry Sweetie...
    I am going to have to remember this thought. The good ole Easter bag. I love it. It all tastes the same right? Your Hubby must be quite the character.

    Your flowers are SO beautiful. I can smell them clear out here in Phoenix. I love the scents at Easter, they are always so, so sweet.

    Sounds like you had a glorious day sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry


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